Saturday 17 March 2007

Top 10 Reasons to Leave England - Part 4


Well - it's been a while since I posted the last entry. It's so frustrating - I find that I am so busy making ends meet, running my business, spending time with my boyfriend, and trying to keep up to date with friends and family, that it becomes near impossible to find the time I need to devote my energies to Escape England!

Sometimes I feel as though living in England resembles playing in a gigantic hamster wheel. Like a hamster I step into the wheel (which in this situation symbolises life), and start with a gentle run to achieve the things I need to. But as the day progresses more things come up, more things to do, more things to think about, more people to see.. Suddenly the wheel takes on a life of its own, and gets faster and faster, until trying to find a way to jump out, and get the heck off the crazy spinning wheel - becomes very difficult and in fact hazardous!... Yet staying on it is the most exhausting and sometimes seemingly pointless thing to do... All it does, is go round and round!!!! And all that happens is that you get giddy and tired!!!

Anyway at this point in time, it is early in the morning, and the wheel of life has slowed down over night. It's gently swaying now, and I'm rocking with it... I have an hour or so before it picks up speed again and starts spinning me around. So as time is precious - let's move swiftly on to the main point.

Here are reasons 9 and 10 on the Top 10 Reasons for Leaving England.

9. Not all property comes with a hammock and a balcony as a standard package...

Property here in England seems to be getting smaller and smaller, and more expensive. New estates are being developed, which although a great improvement on some of the sky scraper flats of the 60's and 70's, still resemble a growing span of concrete jungle. Getting onto the property ladder is a nightmare, and even buying a plot of land to build a wooden hut is incredibly expensive...

You can't beat a hammock and a balcony for breeding relaxation and contentment... But to be able to afford a place in England where you can have a balcony with a nice view, and a hammock to sway in - you really have got to be either extremely fortunate, working your socks off to earn a fortune, or just pretty damn smart. In other places around the world, such as South America and Asia, beach apartments with balconies and hammocks are fairly standard, plentiful, and cheap. The international property market has grown beyond belief over the last few years as people become aware of the bargains available around Europe and further a field...

10. Apathy

And finally - reason 10 - Apathy.

We are all so apathetic. Every day I hear people complaining. Noone I know would disagree really with any of the top 10 reasons to leave England. The country is going to pot with more and more people seeking a life in the sun every year. Decades or centuries ago, there would have been some passionate rebelious leaders - standing on soap boxes - gathering the crowds, developing a following, starting a revolution... Now - the majority of us - go to the pub - watch TV - or do whatever we can to Escape from reality.... We all feel so powerless and unable to make a difference - that noone bothers anymore. My own personal icons of change are Richard Branson and Al Gore - if they were running two of the Worlds most powerful countries - how different would things be?

The media today is so powerful - anyone that wants to create change really has to get the media on side. Without positive publicity it could seem near impossible to get anywhere. Thankfully today - we have the power of the internet - where individuals can start to express themselves and reach other viewers without the authority of the media coming into play at all... Then we have Virgin Media growing slowly too.. Where will of all these new avenues of media lead the world? It's going to be fascinating to watch it all unfold... Maybe the dormant passion of the people has started to stir, and the nation will soon begin to feeling empowered to change...

Alternatively, maybe those of us that can see, will just jump the sinking ship and start a new life somewhere else...!!!

Bye for now.....

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